Our Grants
It is our honor to help our fellow San Diegans through our grant program. Below are some of our grant recipients throughout the years. To protect their privacy, first and last names may not be displayed.
To request a grant, click the “Request a Grant” button.
School supplies for low income children in LGBT families
School supplies for low income children in LGBT families
RBF provided 30 children with backpacks and school supplies for the upcoming school year. Through your generosity, children in our community will have the opportunity to start off a new school year with necessary tools for learning and the added bonus of excitement and a smile. RBF provided the backpacks stuffed with supplies to The Center’s Family Matters program provides children growing up in LGBT-headed families the support necessary for healthy childhood and family development.
Grant made August 2013
Moises A.
Moises A.
Last August San Diego student Moises lost four fingers when they were severed by a rope during an accident while visiting Mexico. He was lifeflighted back home to San Diego for a 19 hour emergency surgery that consisted of attempting to reconnect nerves, tendons, bones, and veins to the four fingers that he had lost. On the seventh day after the first surgery, Moises woke up with three unresponsive lifeless black fingers. They had failed on him due to a lack of blood flow and any remaining hope of recovering his fingers was now gone. Since then, Moises has turned his hope to modern medicine. He is raising funds to be outfitted for a prosthetic that will work from the nerves in his palms to move the artificial fingers. Rob Benzon Foundation is helping Moises reach his goal by this summer. Moises says the first thing he wants to do with his new prosthetic is shake hands with the 1st surgeon who spent 19 hours trying to save his fingers.
Grant Pledged March 2013
Family Matters / The Center
Family Matters / The Center
There are San Diego families known to The Center staff with needs screened by their case managers. These families have no other source of assistance during the holiday season and insufficient resources to provide food on the table or small toys for the children. Rob Benzon Foundation adopted a family of five – a single mom with 4 children, and provided age-appropriate toys for each of the children to brighten their holidays during this difficult time.
Donation made in December 2012
Hannah’s House
Hannah’s House
In support of our secondary mission helping local charitable causes serving the youth and the LGBT communities with a specific need, the Rob Benzon Foundation is proud of a grant to Hannah’s House to help them get kid safe furnishings for their visit rooms. Hannah’s House is a community-based 501(c )(3) non-profit organization that provides vital services to children in crisis situations – including those who have experienced abuse, witnessed domestic violence, been victims of abduction, been effected by a parent with a substance abuse problem, or are in the midst of a difficult family breakup.
Grant approved in September 2012
Wade P.
Wade P.
On June 28, 2012, Wade P was rushed by ambulance to the hospital unable to breathe. He was diagnosed as having pneumonia. Wade spent 8 days in the hospital without insurance to pay for the costs. He also lost 10 days of work which put him in deep financial turmoil. Wade was working at a job that did not provide benefits and was at loss how to recover financially from his hospitalization. The Rob Benzon Foundation paid two month’s rent on behalf of Wade and this enabled him to use his income for other critical needs to get back on his feet. When Wade learned of the help, he wrote, “I am absolutely speechless. I was not expecting such generosity. Thank you so so much.” We told Wade that the real thanks go to the Rob Benzon Foundation donors, sponsors, and underwriters.
Donation made in August 2012
Foster and Displaced Children in Court
Foster and Displaced Children in Court
The Rob Benzon Foundation once again provided more than 500 new stuffed animals to comfort the scores of scared children in our county’s juvenile dependency court rooms. The children are there for hearings which include taking kids away from their parents, and placing kids in foster homes after abuse or neglect. Each child gets to pick out a stuffed animal for comfort during the hearing and then is surprised with the news that they keep their new and friend and take it home.
Donation made in August 2012
Mike P.
Mike P.
A long-time resident of San Diego, Mike learned that his 93 year old father was in the hospital with little time left and he immediately jumped on a plane to be with his father. Mike used his rent money to buy his ticket and missed work, and hence pay, to be with his father making paying his rent a real problem. The Rob Benzon Foundation was glad to be able to tell Mike before he boarded the plane that his next month’s rent was covered so that he could focus on his time with his father. Mike P and Rob Benzon were great friends and it was wonderful for the Rob Benzon Foundation to be able to do exactly what Rob himself would have done – help a friend in need.
Donation made in July 2012
Bobbie B.
Bobbie B.
Bobbie is an elderly partially disabled Navy veteran who was laid off from her job and suffered from a disability making her unable to gain new work. She was at risk of becoming homeless when she could not afford the property tax payment for her 28 year old mobile home in East County. The Rob Benzon Foundation paid off the tax arrears to stop the foreclosure process and gave this deserving San Diego senior some much needed piece of mind and assistance.
Donation made in June 2012
Stepping Stones
Stepping Stones
Founded in 1976, Stepping Stone is a trusted San Diego non-profit alcohol and drug recovery agency that provides alcohol and other drug treatment, HIV and other health interventions, recovery, education and prevention services focusing primarily, but not exclusively on the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender communities of the greater San Diego region. Their clients are as varied as the community we serve. At the time of this grant their residents included a transgender person, an l8 year-old gay youth, several African-American San Diegans, a mother of four, a pregnant woman and a number of persons who are HIV+.
Donation Made in May 2012
Michael D.
Michael D.
28 year old Michael D was just diagnosed with TYPE 1 diabetes. Michael has been in and out of hospitals this past year and fights each day to get his insulin levels under control. In one critical hospitalization Michael went into a diabetic coma as his organs started failing. Michael was unemployed at the time of his diagnosis, lived with his aunt who cleans houses and had no insurance or other means to help him with the critical pump that will keep his insulin levels safely managed outside of the hospital environment. Michael’s friends and family did small fundraisers to try to raise the significant funds needed but could not raise enough money. The Rob Benzon Foundation stepped in and made up the difference, agreeing to cover the gap to purchase an insulin pump for Michael to keep him healthy, safe, and out of the hospital.
Donation approved in May 2012