Our Grants
It is our honor to help our fellow San Diegans through our grant program. Below are some of our grant recipients throughout the years. To protect their privacy, first and last names may not be displayed.
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Rob Benzon Memorial Scholarship
Rob Benzon Memorial Scholarship
On May 19, 2018, the Rob Benzon Foundation awarded two scholarships at the annual Launching Leaders PFLAG Scholarship Awards to two LGBTQ students pursuing higher education. The Rob Benzon Memorial Scholarships were awarded to: (1) Sav Schlauderaff who is pursuing a graduate degree at San Diego State in Women’s Studies and (2) Taylor McElroy who is pursuing a law degree at California Western School of Law.
Grant made in May 2018.
William V.
William V.
The Foundation provided assistance with rent for an individual who is unable to work due to terminal COPD syndrome.
Grant made in April 2018.
Camp Erin
Camp Erin
The Foundation was able to support Camp Erin in partnership with the Center for Compassionate Care of the Elizabeth Hospice and part of network of free bereavement camps for children and teens ages 6 to 17 years of age who have experienced the death of someone close to them. Camp Erin’s counselors run specially designed activities to assist these children with the bereavement process and this grant provided funds for comfort items for the kids attending the camp.
Grant made in April 2018.
Leslie H.
Leslie H.
Assisted a member of our community with a terminal diagnosis of ALS with a six month supply of catheters needed for her care.
Grant made in March 2018
Tracie Jada O’Brien Transgender Youth Scholarships
Tracie Jada O’Brien Transgender Youth Scholarships
Two separate scholarships were presented to two trans students pursuing higher education at the Tracie Jada O’Brien Transgender Youth Scholarships Awards. These scholarships assist high-achieving trans students defray the cost of college, graduate school or trade school.
Grant made in March 2018
Heidi is an elderly woman that has been living with HIV for over 20 years and is now struggling with dementia. Earlier this year, Heidi was approached by a salesperson at a trolley stop that convinced her to sign up for a free “Obamaphone”. Heidi signed up, but did not realize that the new phone contract would cancel her Lifeline with AT&T (a special reduced phone service for the elderly on a limited budget). Over the next few months, the phone charges for the new service began to accumulate and since she did not have the income to support the huge phone bill, her phone was service was cut off. Heidi desperately needed to have her phone service reinstated, since she was missing important messages and reminders for her care from her doctors and caregivers. The Foundation paid for the past due amount of her phone bill which allowed her to have her original discounted service reinstated.
Grant made in December 2017
Interaction for Peace
Interaction for Peace
The Foundation funded a grant for Interaction for Peace, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, for Beyond Bullying – Awareness, Education, Action, their anti-bullying program in elementary and middle schools in San Diego County. Beyond Bullying – Awareness, Education, Action is an innovative, unique experience that brings awareness to bullying behaviors and their impact and builds resilience through live theatre, group discussions, specific tools, and curriculum in local elementary and middle schools in San Diego County.
Grant made in November 2017
Sandra learned she was pregnant and soon afterward was the victim of domestic abuse when her husband almost strangled her to death. Her husband was subsequently arrested. Sandra now lives alone and is due to deliver her baby girl by C-section in less than 30 days. The Foundation assisted her with paying her rent, so that she can recover from the surgery and take care of her new baby girl.
Grant made in November 2017
Scott Carlson Community Thanksgiving Dinner
Scott Carlson Community Thanksgiving Dinner
The Rob Benzon Foundation has again answered the call to assist with costs of the annual Scott Carlson Community Thanksgiving Dinner held at the San Diego LGBT Community Center on Thanksgiving Day. Started in 1988 by Scott Carlson as a dinner for HIV/AIDS patients, the tradition of giving continues to provide a hot Thanksgiving meal for those in need in our community on the day we earmark to give thanks. The dinner now includes people with cancer and other ailments, homeless people, and anyone needing a safe and inviting place to come together as a community on this holiday. More than 500 individuals benefited from this year’s dinner.
Grant made in October 2017
Nickey suffers from Lupus Nephritis that has affected her kidney function and has had to deal with advance kidney disease. She has had to endure a very rough road of aggressive treatment and it has been overwhelming for her. Unable to work, the Foundation paid for her rent and basic necessities.
Grant made in September 2017