by RBDFF | Jan 26, 2016 | Uncategorized
The San Diego LGBT Community Center’s Behavioral Health Services in memory of Kurt Cunningham In honor of the late Kurt Cunningham, this grant provided funds for the San Diego LGBT Community Center’s Behavioral Health Services to benefit those suffering...
by RBDFF | Jan 26, 2016 | Uncategorized
Nisha Nisha was diagnosed with inoperable brain tumors. The Rob Benzon Foundation provided her with funds to help cover the cost of expensive co-payments for the radiation treatments she needs. Grant made October 2015
by RBDFF | Jan 26, 2016 | Uncategorized
Patricia Patricia received a terminal diagnosis of heart failure and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and is not expected to live more than six months. Her dying wish is to be able to transition in a clean house with as much love and respect as possible...
by RBDFF | Jul 8, 2015 | Uncategorized
Theodore Theodore, a 77 year old gentleman, suffered with a terminal diagnosis of Pulmonary Fibrosis and COPD. He and his wife spent most of their lives helping impoverished children in Guatemala, the Philippines and the US. He was in hospice with his body failing...
by RBDFF | Feb 2, 2015 | Uncategorized
San Diego Multicultural LGBT Literary Foundation This grant was used to fund the cost of books at the San Diego Multicultural LGBT Literary Foundation’s “We Alive: A Celebration of Black Lesbian Womanhood” event, which was held on March 8, 2015. The highly successful...