
Nickey Nickey suffers from Lupus Nephritis that has affected her kidney function and has had to deal with advance kidney disease.  She has had to endure a very rough road of aggressive treatment and it has been overwhelming for her.  Unable to...


Vanita The Foundation provided cleaning and home day care support services for this individual with a terminal diagnosis of chronic obstructive respiratory disorder and congestive heart failure.  Grant made in August 2017


Cheryl-Anne Cheryl-Anne was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer and has undergone a lumpectomy, reconstructive surgery and chemotherapy.  The Foundation provided funds to pay her rent for one month while she underwent radiation treatments. Grant made in August...


Aleyah The Foundation provided funds to pay past due rent and prevented the impending eviction from her apartment for this individual that was recovering from surgery. Grant made in July 2017