Tracie Jada O’Brien Transgender Youth Scholarships

Tracie Jada O’Brien Transgender Youth Scholarships Two separate scholarships were presented to two trans students pursuing higher education at the Tracie Jada O’Brien Transgender Youth Scholarships Awards.  These scholarships assist high-achieving trans students...


Heidi Heidi is an elderly woman that has been living with HIV for over 20 years and is now struggling with dementia.  Earlier this year, Heidi was approached by a salesperson at a trolley stop that convinced her to sign up for a free “Obamaphone”.  Heidi...

Interaction for Peace

Interaction for Peace The Foundation funded a grant for Interaction for Peace, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, for Beyond Bullying – Awareness, Education, Action, their anti-bullying program in elementary and middle schools in San Diego County. Beyond Bullying –...


Sandra Sandra learned she was pregnant and soon afterward was the victim of domestic abuse when her husband almost strangled her to death.  Her husband was subsequently arrested.  Sandra now lives alone and is due to deliver her baby girl by C-section in...

Scott Carlson Community Thanksgiving Dinner

Scott Carlson Community Thanksgiving Dinner The Rob Benzon Foundation has again answered the call to assist with costs of the annual Scott Carlson Community Thanksgiving Dinner held at the San Diego LGBT Community Center on Thanksgiving Day.   Started in...